Thursday, November 26, 2015

Sandra In Texas Likes Build A Better Dog

Sandra reported back to us after her first order of Triad Performance from Build A Better Dog.  Here is what she related to us.

"Hi Jerry!
I saw your Youtube message about 6 weeks ago and purchased my first bag of Build a Better Dog for my 2 German Shepherds. I had them on Dinovite but not totally happy. When I got the BABD I mixed it with Dinovite I had left over and started giving to my dogs daily. IT HAS BEEN FANTASTIC! Both have stopped shedding, have a wonderful energy level, strong gaits and sleek coats and glistening eyes. :)"

Thanks Sandra for taking the time to give us your feedback.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A New Benefit For Triad Performance Supplement

Karen from Ohio reported back to me on her initial order of Triad Performance Supplement.  

"I have noticed an improvement with the chronic yeast infections in his ears. If I skip his supplements for a few days, the yeast infection comes back. He likes the supplement, too. He prefers to eat his food with the supplement mixed in. I use about one rounded teaspoon daily. Thank you for this product... I'm sure this will help with his mobility and comfort as he ages!"

Jody In NC Had A Happy Ending

I met Jody a few weeks ago and our conversation turned to pets when he related that his  pound Maltese had hip problems and had lately just been lying around the house doing nothing else.  I sent him some Triad Performance Supplement with instructions.

A little over I week later, I had the opportunity to talk with Jody and he said his dog was back out in the yard chasing birds like she used to and has tremendous energy.  He said his wife joked that maybe they should cut back a little on the supplement and slow her down a little.

Another case where Triad Performance Supplement from Build A Better Dog came through and eased the pain of canine hip dysplasia.  Check out our facebook page or our independent blog page.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Round Up In Dog Food

It should come as no surprise that glyphosate which is the active ingredient in Round Up is being found in dog food.  Monsanto has developed Round Up resistant corn, oats, and soybeans.  This allows farmers to spray their crops with Round Up, kill the weeds and leave the genetically modified grains to grow unhindered by weeds.

Open this link and read Susan Thixton's article:  Herbicide Glyphosate Found In Dog Food

Truth About Pet Food

Sunday, September 20, 2015

An evaluation of the quality of some pet food ingredients from the website

Recycle Pets Nor Cal
A Private Non-Profit All Breed Animal Rescue


"Before doing rescue, I used to volunteer at the City Shelter. One of the first horrific facts you learn while volunteering there is after killing dogs and cats, the animals are not buried in a field covered in poppies and little crosses. They are instead put in barrels and sold to a rendering plant. According to the Sacramento County website regarding Sacramento Rendering Company, a rendering plant “accepts and processes (renders) animal waste materials” from a variety of places including the shelters but also from road kill, butcher shops, ranches, zoos, sick animals and feedlots. They take all the left over parts (or animals that are otherwise unfit for human consumption) and then they “recycled them into materials that go into manufacturing soap, paints, cosmetics, lubricants, candles, animal feed, and biofeed.” I know, that makes it sound really ideal, recycling dead animals so they do not fill our landfills, but I am betting that right now you are wondering if that means what you think it means, and the answer is a scary yes! When your neighbor took his aggressive dog to the shelter, that dog was not adopted but then later used possibly to make your soap or “animal feed.” This is important because when you pick up a bag of dog food, and you see the words “animal fat” or “bone meal” (and it does not say “salmon,” “chicken” or even “salmon meal” or give you a specific protein source, it very well may contain Fluffy, Sparky, and Daisy. Now, you might expect this enrages me as a rescuer and dog lover because I know that food is full of dogs and cats, but honestly that is not my biggest concern. Do I find it grotesque, yes, but (as an omnivore who used to live in China) I understand that protein source is protein source. I don’t want to eat that (and it is illegal to sell for human consumption), but my true concern has to do with the fact that the shelters are poisoning the animals, that animals are dying of unknown diseases, and even that oftentimes the meat is not refrigerated for some time and all the illness and poison is in their blood and organs and then they are being put into food- the same foods I used to feed my animals. There are many companies that use quality proteins (and are kitty and puppy free), just read your label to make sure if yours is one of them. Also know “meal” and “by-product” are not equally as good. So if the first ingredient is “beef by-product”, drop the bag (or box) and walk away (don’t look back lest you want to be chased by zombie zebras that may be in it)."

Read the label

"We told you of one huge red flag to look out for, but there are many others. Some are much simpler to detect, for example, knowing that dogs are carnivores you can make improvements simply by ignoring any food that says “rice” on the front. But also make sure to avoid anything with corn in it as well. We see many foods with sweet potato in them, and generally they are a good choice, but we have even seen some food with quinoa in them as well. High quality ingredients are important, less chemicals and more real food. In preparation for writing this blog, I asked people to send me pictures of their dogs’ food. I understand most of my contacts understand about the importance of feeding quality dog foods, and so most of the labels I received were great. One I read was a little like reading the back of a candy wrapper. When I said it was the worst I had seen, the owner said “it is a good thing it is only a topper for the real thing.” This idea of it being ok (even as a flavor topper), to me, is like serving your children broccoli covered with moldy candy. Look at the label below and tell me, if those ingredients were in your food, would you eat it?"

Saturday, August 29, 2015


"We have an 11 year old black/white Shih Tzu female that has almost lost all ability to walk. I know she has that dreaded Hip Dysplasia.
We are going to give this a shot as we really have no other things to try. We would have had her put down a couple months ago, but I still think there is hope for her. Please send whatever you think may help. Thank you."

This was in a letter from Charles in Iowa

Charles ordered some Triad Performance Supplement and a week after receiving the product, he sent this message:

"We have had our 11 year Shih tzu  on your supplement for 1 week now and she went from the frog sitting to standing now while eating. She used to be on her stomach when eating. Will keep you posted. Shot a small video of her walking to her food dish before we started the treatment. Wish her luck."

Thank you Charles for taking the time to give us some feedback on your situation with your pet.

Triad Performance Supplement actually works and that is why it carries a 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product.

If you are not convinced, visit our independent blog page here and read these amazing testimonials from customers with rehabilitated pets.

Triad Performance Supplement from Build A Better Dog contains no dangerous chemicals or drugs therefore you have no concern of drug interaction or sensitivity.  This is an all natural remedy with all the ingredients produced in human food grade plants with human food grade ingredients.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

More Amazing Results From Triad Performance Supplement By Build A Better Dog

Here is another remarkable testimonial from a customer of Triad Performance Supplement by Build A Better Dog

"I believe. The ball of the  joint  in the X ray of Ava is not even close to socket on one hind leg and the other is just sitting  outside joint but her movement  is getting  better
Once she has another X ray at 2 I will pdf  them to you last  X ray was at 5 months she is now 10 months  and can jump up on things unheard of before I  started  using Triad am giving her small doses with her food
Will need more shortly thanks."
-John in Australia

Combinations of chelated minerals, strong antioxidants, yeast, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and a multiple profile of omega fatty acids works together to make Ava more comfortable, more active, and a healthier animal.

Connect with Build A Better Dog  

Thursday, July 9, 2015

A Great Testimonial To The Effectiveness of Triad Performance Supplement From Build A Better Dog

This is the before situation as outlined by Cheryl, then a potential customer whom I asked to describe her dog's situation:

"She was left behind by some renters in our neighborhood. We took her in. This was August of 2013. She was fine. Ran hard, played hard. Just over the past six months, she went from favoring her back left leg - or so I thought leg - but then it appeared it could be her hip.

Just in the past two weeks, she has gone from favoring the left back side to favoring both back sides and just in one week, she has gone from, not only favoring them but she is walking on her two front legs. I bought a harness to help me with taking her for short walks - It is a lifting harness - that way, at times, when she cant walk back home, I can lift her by the two handles on the harness and carry her home. She used it today, for the first time, and she did walk on her back legs but hobbled and had to stop for breaks. I do not have the money to take the her in for a vet visit, right now. I am having to accept that she has lost the majority of use in her hind area and just deal with it the best I can. I am in hopes that your product might help her."

When she received her first shipment of Triad Performance Supplement, I asked her to contact me in about 7 to 10 days and tell me about her experience:

"My dog is on her seventh day of the Triad Performance Supplement. I think I can go ahead and tell you how she is doing, so far, so that you can tell me what I should be doing from here.

On the fifth day, Dixie stood up all on her own. I wont say it is perfect. She has a little struggle. But she stood up. She walked. And that is not perfect. It is a hobble walk. But she walked on her own! On her evening walk, she even hobble jogged a half of a block. I did not make her do this. She decided she wanted to jog!!! She walked the rest of the square block.

On the sixth day, she stood up on her own, with some struggle but better than the fifth day. She enjoyed her morning walk. It is still a hobble walk, but a walk. I took her for her evening walk. She hobble jogged a half of a block, again. She walked the rest of the square block, with a little hobbling but still walking. Later that night, she wanted a third walk! So, I obliged her. She hobble jogged a half of a block, again, and walked the rest of the square home. She got up and down, throughout the day, all on her own. It is a slow up and down but she is doin it all by herself.

Today is the seventh day. She is getting up on her own. She is enjoying her walks. It is still a hobbly walk and her legs do still tremble when she stands - but she is doing it. I have been tickled with her because I can see she is even excited that she is gettin up, around, walking and doin a little jog. I think I would like to continue the two tablespoons, twice a day, for a while longer. I dont know if that is ok or not and I dont know how much longer I should do that. I dont know what signs we are looking for except just better all around movement. Please let me know what you think.

I have been telling people what is going on, since Dixie began the supplement. There are a couple of other people who are saying it is worth a try for them, so maybe they will be ordering soon, if they haven't already."

She then followed up with this action plan:

", I am going to want her to keep using this product. I am not going to take a chance and ever stop using it. I already see that she is capable of having troubles, so no sense in taking her off of a good supplement."

I want to take this opportunity to thank Cheryl for her time and support for Triad Performance Supplement from Build A Better Dog.

This is often the source and the result of canine hip dysplasia

Monday, June 29, 2015

Here Is A Post Worthy Of Note From Build A Better Dog


This is from a new customer who got her first shipment of product this past Friday.

"First, I did notice the larger container and would like to thank you.  My dog is a nine year old boxer.  Her name is Belle and I have raised her from six weeks of age.  In other words...she's my baby :)  Over the last year I have noticed a significant decline in her health.  I've noticed stiffness in her legs that has limited her ability to get on or off the couch and to go up or down the steps to get outside.  I talked with our vet and pretty much have tried everything to reduce the pain and improve her mobility.  She hadn't improved much nor had she gotten worse until the last few weeks.   Last week when I found your site, I was in tears; completely desperate.   My poor girl's back legs seemed to have stopped working altogether.   She fell off both the couch and stairs. Practically every time she tried to stand or walk, her legs simply gave out causing her to fall down.   I didn't know what else to do and couldn't stand to see her in so much pain! 
I received your product on Friday, June 26th, and started her on it immediately. Today is Monday,  June 29th, and I am thrilled to be able to say that I can already see a difference.   I'm mostly noticing that she has more stability when she stands and when she walks on flat surfaces.   Also, this morning she was much less timid in going down the stairs, which means to me that she is feeling stronger and not so afraid of falling down.   

I'm honestly so pleased with the results so far that I am going to start Belle's husband Beau on it tonight.   He's a seven year old boxer with what I think could be the beginnings of hip dysplasia.   I think your product may benefit him as well.  

Thank you again, and be on the lookout for another order soon!"


I am happy to report that my girl is doing very well.  She's walking much better than before!  I'm thrilled with this product and her improvement so far.   Thank you for caring. I have attached a photo of my sweet Belle :)

These are great results that really gives us so hope for our pets in the future.

Jerry Pardue
Build A Better Dog  

Dysplasia is a problem that goes all the way down to the critical joints of your pet.

Amy's Belle

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Perils of GMO And Your Pets

I have for several years been a fan of the work of Susan Thixton and her organization Truth About Pet Foods.  She has worked tirelessly to bring to the sunshine facts about the sorry state of affairs of dog and cat food manufacturing in this country.

Susan constantly uncovers situations where 4D animal parts(dead, dying, diseased, and disabled) are being used and these facts are hidden from public view by the other sorry state of affairs in the pet food industry and that is lax and useless regulations.

Truth About Pet Foods recently published an article going down a new dark hallway in animal nutrition and that is GMO ingredients and the risk they bring to your pets.

Their big concern is over something called Roundup Ready crops that have been genetically altered to be resistant to the world's most popular herbicide and create mature crops like corn and soy that have been regularly drenched with salt of glyphosphate or Round Up which literally strips the ground of everything it is sprayed with except for those crops.

Now, what happens when those herbicide hearty crops are fed to your precious animals.  Sited from the works of Dr. Will Falconer of are his concerns about the after effects of feeding GMO crops to dogs:

Liver and kidney damage
Reproductive failure
Stomach inflammation
Gut flora disruption
Hormone dysregulation, including insulin

The Non-GMO Project has listed the most high risk GMO ingredients that would affect your pet and they are as follows:

Sugar Beets
Yellow Summer Squash

The facts of this article and much more can be found on Truth About Pet Food's site  and I hope you will visit the site and examine further the dangers that are out there.

Jerry Pardue
Build A Better Dog